Bespoke consulting, coaching and facilitated programs for organisations to support leaders and teams in navigating complexity and growing through times of change for the purpose of developing leaders and organisations who are more conscious, connected and compassionate and better able to balance the complexity of business needs and goals.

Group of hands touching a tree trunk
Birds flying through a sunset sky

Leading through change with intention

Camino’s primary focus is on supporting leaders and teams in growing through intentional and transformational transitions during times of change. We support organisations in areas of developing strategy and vision; organisational culture and design; operating model design; leadership development; developing high performing teams; performance improvement including conducting 360s; and systemic, strategic and service design.

We have a library of leadership, top team and operating model modules, utilising familiar and novel methods, that address leading self, leading others and leading in complexity. These can be used off the shelf, adapted, or new bespoke modules designed for your needs. Sessions are tried and tested with clients and have been delivered from C-Suite to middle management for strategy days, development days, conferences, offsites and long term team journeys.

Examples of topics and modules include:

  • Intentional visioning (for an organisation or a team)

  • Cultivating your operating model for sustained well being and performance

  • Self care for high performance (including stress management)

  • Building safe spaces and psychological safety for high performance

  • Cultivating collaboration and impactful team dynamics for high performance

  • Courageous and authentic conversations

  • The art of critique and feedback

  • Deep listening

  • Understanding and navigating complex challenges

  • Pre-mortems to mitigate future failure

For more information or to discuss further


Camino designs program experiences that are developmental and holistic, immersive and participative. Systems thinking and human centred design forms the foundation of our approach, where people are placed at the centre of the system to design an outcome that best serves employees, customers and other stakeholders alike.

This is based on understanding three questions: What is the context? Where are we now? Where do we want or need to be? From this place, Zaana will co-create with you how to best get there which may involve diagnostics; learning and development modules to address mindsets, skill sets, knowledge sets and tool sets; individual or team coaching; or other interventions.

Outcomes include leaders who are more conscious, connected and compassionate and better able to balance the complexity of business needs and goals.

We interweave adult and leadership development, creative healing arts, somatic practices and our extensive business experience and commercial acumen in our methodology to develop learning experiences that go beyond IQ and ‘the head’ but also attends to our many intelligences, and our hearts, hands and spirit.

Clients Include

Dr Zaana Jaclyn laughing with eyes closed on a chair

Why work with Zaana?

Dr Zaana Jaclyn is a leader, advisor, coach and facilitator with 20 years of global experience in coaching and leadership development, organisational culture and change, and human centred design. Across her career she has worked in 22 countries, completed 75+ customer experience and human centred design projects, coached 250+ people, facilitated more than 500+ leadership or high performing team sessions, as well as being a sought after keynote speaker having presented at 30+ conferences, and being an award winning designer.

Zaana brings a unique interdisciplinary approach that bridges the Boardroom to the altar, and enables her to meet people where they are at. She draws upon her extensive senior leadership and coaching experience in a range of business environments, as well as her deep academic grounding, accomplishments in the creative healing arts, nature based spirituality practices, energetic healing modalities, and is deeply committed to her own personal development journey.

Prior to launching Camino, Zaana was a Junior Partner at McKinsey and Company where she served as a global leader for Customer Experience and Design in the Public, Social and Health sector practices. Zaana developed a track record in coaching leaders and driving human centric strategies and customer experience transformations to deliver differentiated experiences and improved outcomes for people - both employees and customers. Prior to joining McKinsey, Zaana worked in consultancies and internal teams as a leader delivering human-centric transformations; built organisational capabilities in human centred leadership, cultures and design; and launched a leading human-centred leadership academy.

In addition to leading Camino, Zaana continues to be an External Advisor for McKinsey and Company, a Transformational Facilitator and Coach for Mobius Executive Leadership and The Top Team Practice, a Board Director for Suncare Community Services, and a Lecturer in Leadership for RMIT.


  • Funlab undertook a huge project with Zaana to unveil true insights of our guest experience across our key entertainment brands Strike, Holey Moley and Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq. Zaana is one of the greats. Her capacity to understand business complexities, coordinate across functions and implement our huge guest experience project with guaranteed outcomes is a super skill. Our team loved working with her in a number of collaborative workshops across a number of our functions. Her ability to connect at different levels within the business showed her adaptable talent but more importantly her emotional intelligence to gain best results.

    Blaise Witnish (Chief Growth Officer) FunLab

  • My visioning work with Zaana was enlightening, deep and clarifying - which is a testament to Zaana's gift for coaching, stewarding and sharing wisdoms grounded in Zaana's unique life experiences. It clarified a holistic vision for the life I want to manifest, but also more importantly reminded me of who I want to embody as I continue on this journey.

    Anne (Strategic Designer) Australian Government

  • I received a Human Design session from Zaana in early 2024. During the session, Zaana used visuals, easy to digest information and her beautiful supportive holding style to help me see my gifts, and strategies to embrace all of the parts of myself. I learnt so much in my session, and found it practical, grounded and enlightening. Thank you so much Zaana!

    Rhiannon Sims (Founder) Akashic Sister

  • I’ve worked with Zaana both as a personal coach and within an organisation leading project delivery. What stands out in both cases is her sharp insight into what needs to be done and how to do it effectively. Her quiet style cuts through the noise to help people get to heart of the issue and move to designing outcomes. She is a delight to work with and has shown me how to refine my thinking toward the outcomes I need.

    Stephanie White (Founder and Director) Yellow Donkey Growth Consulting

  • I worked with Zaana in a leadership workshop and after liking her approach I decided to engage her as a personal coach. Zaana is an exceptional listener with a calming nature, holistic perspective and an understanding of fierce corporate culture. Working with Zaana has helped me to assess both my work and life with a greater perspective. She is a great outside voice for anyone trying to look inside.

    Patrick (Account Director) Retail Company

  • Zaana is brilliant. She has vast experience and deep knowledge, a passionate and open-hearted approach to coaching, an ability to bridge multiple knowledge domains and synthesise them with nuance and relevance to bring them to your unique life context and she has a genuine commitment to your development and growth. Zaana melds her own personal development journey, spiritual shamanic practice, energetic healing modalities, deep academic grounding in design and years of experience in consulting to be in full support of your development.

    Melis Senova (PhD Founder and Director) This Human

  • If there's one word I could use to describe my experience working with Zaana, it would be "transformational." Her coaching has been instrumental in transforming my life, enabling me to overcome challenges, embrace my strengths, and unlock my full potential. What makes Zaana distinctive to work with is her background as a Top Tier Management Consultant, where I think she honed her analytical skills and developed a deep understanding of complex issues. The main reason I would highly recommend Zaana to someone else is her unique ability to balance intellectual depth with genuine care and empathy.

    Dr Jemma King (Director) Biopsychanalytics Pty Ltd.

  • I've had the pleasure of working with Dr Zaana as a collaborator and also as her coaching client. Zaana has a very unique set of human qualities that she brings to her work. Firstly, she is incredibly intelligent and at the cutting edge of current trends and movements that benefit business. Even more importantly though, she has incredible emotional intelligence and is able to draw on her deep intuition and empathy to develop appropriate and personal solutions for individuals and organisations. Working with Zaana will change the way you look at the world in the best possible way.

    Christian Duell (Director) White Light Education

  • Zaana has such a sound sense of mutual benefit that I know she will take the lead when she see’s fit and hand back as needed. She delights the participants in the Master of Design Futures in many ways, especially by showing them that taking on challenges while being careful of one's own well-being goes hand in hand. And that all this can be done with grace and ease.

    Dr Marius Foley (Program Manager) RMIT Master of Design Futures